Symposion on Place-names changes – Third Circular and Preliminary Programme
Third Circular and Preliminary Programme
Place-names changes
organised by
Joint IGU/ICA Commission/Working Group on Toponymy
Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei
Rome [Roma], Italy
November 17-18, 2014
Scientific council and paper selection committee:
Prof. Enzo CAFFARELLI, Rivista Italiana di Onomastica, Laboratorio Internazionale di Onomastica, Università di Roma Tor Vergata
Prof. Giuseppe GALASSO, National Member of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei
Prof. Peter JORDAN, Austrian Academy of Sciences and United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (UNGEGN)
Prof. Paulo DE MENEZES, Vice President, International Cartographic Association, ICA Chair of theJoint ICA/IGU WG/ Commission on Toponymy, Laboratory of Cartography, Geography Department – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Prof. Cosimo PALAGIANO, Universitá La Sapienza, Corresponding member of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, IGU Chair of the Joint ICA/IGU WG/ Commission on Toponymy
Prof. Paolo POCCETTI, University of Rome – Tor Vergata
Prof. Domenico SILVESTRI, University of Naples “L’Orientale”
Venue: Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Auditorium, Villa Farnesina, via della Lungara 230, I-
00165, Roma, Italy
For reserving your hotel room, please, use one of the relevant websites. You will find lots of hotels inthe vicinity of our venue. Due to the fact that public transport in Rome is good, also a hotel in furtherdistance may be convenient. Please note that providing for accommodation is your own responsibility.
Preliminary programme
Monday, 17th November 2014
08.00-09.00: Registration: Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Auditorium, Villa Farnesina, via della Lungara 230.
09.00-09.20: Opening: Chair of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (host), Cosimo PALAGIANO andPeter JORDAN (organisers)
09.20-12.40: Session 1: General approaches, methodology (Chair: Peter JORDAN, Austria)
09.20-09.40: WOODMAN, Paul (United Kingdom): What is a name change?
09.40-10.00: TORT-DONADA, Joan (Spain): On the problems concerning place-names changes. The
geographical point of view
10.00-10.20: MÁCHA, Přemysl (Czechia): The challenges of place-names conservation. A view from
the Czech Republic
10.20-10.40: REINSMA, Riemer (The Netherlands): How does the outside world respond to newly
changed official names of cities or countries? Trying to measure the response process
10.40-11.00: Coffee break
11.00-11.20: TÁTRAI, Patrik; ERŐSS, Ágnes (Hungary): Blind spots on the map: The neglect of placenames
changes in contested geopolitical spaces
11.20-11.40: RODRIGUEZ DE CASTRO, Ayar (Spain): Place-names meaning changing in discourse
11.40-12.00: STANI-FERTL, Roman (Austria): Place-names changes and the European Location
Framework (ELF)
12.00-12.20: CAFFARELLI, Enzo (Italy): When a toponym loses its “top”. Place names ready for
changing their onymic category
12.20-12.40: VAXELAIRE, Jean-Louis (Belgium): Changes of place names as a fight against
12.40-13.40: Lunch break
13.40-17.40: Session 2: Country studies (Chair: Brahim ATOUI, Algeria)
13.40-14.00: PALAGIANO, Cosimo (Italy): Investigating the change of Italian place names
14.00-14.20: CASSI, Laura (Italy): New place names in Italy. Some observations
14.20-14.40: POLI, Emanuele (Italy): History, meanings and changes of Italian geographical
names: Some case studies for comparison
14.40-15.00: GORDÓN PERAL, María Dolores; RUHSTALLER, Stefan (Spain): Place-names changes in
Spain from the Middle Ages to our days. A selection of representative cases
15.00-15.20: MANDOLA, Małgorzata (France/Poland): Toponyms as symbols of political power and
civic resistance. The impact of historical and recent transitions on Polish toponymy
15.20-15.40: Coffee break
15.40-16.00: ORMELING, Ferjan (The Netherlands): Place-name changes in the Netherlands
16.00-16.20: WEENINK, Peter A. (The Netherlands): From the Roman imperial defence places to
famous “lost” Dutch cities
16.20-16.40: SUDIŢU, Bogdan; NICOLAE, Ioan; BUTEREZ, Cezar (Romania): (Re)naming the places –
ideological and cultural meanings in Romania
16.40-17.00: MENEZES, Paulo de (Brazil): From 1500 to 2000. The evolution of toponymy on
Brazilian maps
17.00-17.20: RAGHOEBAR, Harry (Suriname): Place names as identity markers in Suriname
17.20-17.40: RAPER, Peter E. (South Africa): Place-names changes in South Africa
18.00-19.00: Opportunity for a guided tour through Villa Farnesina, free of charge
20.00-: Social dinner in a nearby restaurant (to be paid individually)
Tuesday, 18th November 2014
08.00-09.20: Session 3: Regional studies (Chair: Cosimo PALAGIANO, Italy)
08.00-08.20: FEDERZONI, Laura (Italy): Place-names changes in different periods with different
effects: some examples from the Emilia region
08.20-08.40: LUCCHESI, Fabio; GRAVA, Massimiliano (Italy): Names and places. Appearance,
disappearance and persistence in a geographic database of Tuscany locations
08.40-09.00: ZAN, Francesco (Italy): Assessing old and new place names in mountainous regions
using quadcopters and micro cameras. The example of field work in the mountains of
Pistoia, Tuscan Apennines
09.00-09.20: YI, Saangkyun (Republic of Korea): The history of world cartography and the discovery
of the Far East: Focusing on the changes in the name of a Korean island, Ulleungdo
09.20-09.40: Coffee break
09.40-15.00: Session 4: Place-names changes in urban space (Chair: Ferjan ORMELING, The
09.40-10.00: AMIOTTI, Gabriella (Italy): The History of Italy in the changes of Novara’s topography
10.00-10.20: MALVASI, Marisa (Italy): A town’s toponymic basket of men, places and events. The
case of Monza
10.20-10.40: SCARATTI, Gian Paolo (Italy): Evolution of administrative policies and their impact on
place names in a small town in the lower Cremona territory
10.40-11.00: BANINI, Tiziana (Italy): Reading place names, saying place names: An empiricalresearch on “Little Paris”
11.00-11.20: GERŠIČ, Matjaž; KLADNIK, Drago (Slovenia): Street-names changes in Ljubljana
11.20-11.40: BARTOS-ELEKES, Zsombor (Romania): The history of street-names changes in
11.40-12.00: HUANG, Wenchuan (Taiwan): Power transition and the politics of street names in
Shanghai: 1845-1949
12.00-13.00: Lunch break
13.00-13.20: NYSTRÖM, Staffan (Sweden): Changes in Stockholm place names: how, why and by
13.20-13.40: WAHLBERG, Mats (Sweden): From the Pope to today’s building companies – actors on
the name-giving arena in Uppsala, Sweden, down the age
13.40-14.00: BEKKOUCHE, Ammara (Algeria): Comparative study on urban place-names changes:
Place Jean Jaurès (Marseille) and Square Port Saïd (Algiers)
14.00-14.20: DU PLESSIS, Theodorus (South Africa): Language conflict and geographical name
changes in South Africa; cases recorded 2002-2008
14.20-14.40 : STEENKAMP, Joan-Marié; DU PLESSIS, Theodorus (South Africa): A toponymical study
of place names in the town of Mossel Bay, Western Cape
14.40-15.00: COLLAZO ALLEN, Adyanis (Switzerland): Repercussion of street-names changes:
Allonyms in the two samples of Havana, Cuba
15.00-15.20: Coffee break
15.20-16.40: Session 5: Multicultural situations (Chair: Paul WOODMAN, United Kingdom)
15.20-15.40: ERŐSS, Ágnes; TÁTRAI, Patrik (Hungary): ”How should I call you?” The role of
commemorative street names in local identity of minorities
15.40-16.00: BENEDEK, József (Romania): The changing landscape of place-names in multicultural
urban spaces: the case of Cluj-Napoca (Kolozsvár, Klausenburg)
16.00-16.20: RUSU, Raularian (Romania): Place-names changes in Banat and the Arad area of
Romania during the 20th century
16.20-16.40: CRLJENKO, Ivana; ZUPANC, Ivan (Croatia): Bilingualism in the namescape of Croatian
Istria: A geographical approach
16.40-18.00: Session 6: The impact of specific historical events on place names (Chair: Staffan
NYSTRÖM, Sweden)
16.40-17.00: LUCARNO, Guido (Italy): Consequences for the place names in the Roya Valley after the
peace treaty in 1947 and its cultural and geopolitical implications
17.00-17.20: ATOUI, Brahim (Algeria): Post-independence toponymic changes
17.20-17.40: KANG, Peter (Taiwan): Geography of changing street names in Taiwan after the lifting of
martial law in 1987
17.40-18.00: JORDAN, Peter (Austria): The ambivalent view on Tito in the successor states of
Yugoslavia reflected by the preservation or replacement of place names commemorating
18.00: Closing
Some information on our venue: Villa Farnesina
The villa called the Farnesina is situated on Via della Lungara, opposite the Corsini Palace. The Sienese banker, Agostino Chigi, named “magnifico” by his contemporaries, acquired the villa, which had been completed in 1509 by Baldassarre Peruzzi, a Sienese architect of great renown. The villa, a wonderful example of Renaissance art, was decorated by such famous painters as Raffaello, Sebastiano del Piombo, Giovanni Antonio Bazzi (called Sodoma), Giulio Romano and Peruzzi himself, and it was furnished with such magnificence that it aroused general admiration. In the rooms of the Villa high prelates, noblemen, poets, men of letters and artists used to meet; comedies were performed there and sumptuous banquets were held. The most famous of these were the banquet of 30April 1518 and the one in honour of St. Augustine’s day in 1519. The first banquet, with a magnificent decor of tapestries and carpets was laid out in the stables, which at that time were placed near the Tiber and were later demolished when a high Tiber wall was built. The second banquet, on the occasion of the wedding of Agostino and Francesca Ordeasca, which was blessed by Pope Leo X, was held in a setting of pomp and splendour, in the great hall of the villa, and in the presence of the Popehimself, twelve Cardinals and many guests. After Agostino Chigi’s death, the villa was bought by Cardinal Alessandro Farnese (from whom the Villa takes its name). It passed to the Bourbon family in 1714; and finally a long lease of the villa at ground rent was given to the Spanish Ambassador Bermudez de Castro, Duke of Ripetta, who later redeemed it. The Italian State bought the Villa from the Duke’s heirs and in 1928 it was destined to become the home of the Reale Accademia d’Italia. After the suppression of the Accademia d’Italia in 1944, the villa became the property of the Lincei Academy, which, by law, had succeeded the suppressed Academy. The Farnesina is set in the midst of a beautiful garden of bergamot trees, cedars of Lebanon, cypresses, laurel bushes and evergreens. On the ground floor of the Villa an entrance hall leads to the Loggia of Psyche, (recently restored) painted in fresco (after designs mainly attributed to Raffaello) by theMaster himself and by his pupils Giulio Romano, Francesco Penni, Raffaellino del Colle and Giovannida Udine. It was da Udine who painted the wonderful festoons of flowers, leaves and fruits, each in aseparate square. The frescoes represent episodes in the story of Eros and Psyche as told by Apuleius in the “Metamorphosis”; particularly worthy of note are those of Venus showing Eros her rival Psyche, Eros talking to the three Graces, Venus going to Olympus on her chariot pulled by doves, and the”Amoretti” seen within curvilinear triangles, depicting the triumph of Eros over all mortal and immortal beings. The story ends with two scenes painted on the pseudo tapestry of the ceiling, representing the Council and the Banquet of the Gods, during which the marriage between Eros and Psyche is arranged and celebrated.On the left of the Loggia of Psyche is the Room of the Frieze, round which is a fresco of mythologicalscenes painted by Baldassarre Peruzzi. The labours of Hercules, the myth of Orpheus, Mercury withthe heifers of Apollo, and the Rape of Europa are particularly remarkable for their wealth of detail.On the right is the Hall of Galathea, which contains Raffaello’s famous fresco representing the triumph of the nymph Galathea, on a shell pulled by dolphins. All around there are delicate and idealized landscapes painted by Gaspare Dughet, and higher up there is an arresting Head of a Young Man, against a rough background. In the past this was attributed to Michelangelo but modern opinion is inclined to ascribe it to Sebastiano del Piombo or, more probably, to Peruzzi. The lunettes, representing several myths, and the wide square in which the cyclopean figure of Polyphemus stands out, are the work of del Piombo. The vaulted roof, painted by Peruzzi, presumably represents the position of the stars at the time of Agostino Chigi’s birth, indicating his horoscope. A light and elegant staircase leads from the entrance hall to the first floor and into the wonderful Salone delle Prospettive designed by Peruzzi. Here the walls seem to open on to shining landscapes, framed by columns, and an amazing sense of reality is achieved. A frieze runs along the upper part of the walls, depicting mythological scenes; it is attributed to a painter of the school of Raffaello, probably Giulio Romano. Over a great fireplace on the left is to be seen the Forge of Vulcan, attributed by some to Peruzzi and by others to the Roman school. Beside this fireplace three doors open off into the National Collection of Prints. During recent restorations, an ancient “graffiti”, in German gothic, came to light between the columns. It marks the passage of the Lansquenets andstates: “1528 – why shouldn’t I laugh: the Lansquenets have put the Pope to flight”. Finally a door leads to the room which was Agostino Chigi’s alcove, painted in fresco chiefly by Giovanni Antonio Bazzi (called Sodoma) and representing episodes of the life of Alexander of Macedonia.
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